take my trash, please …

why bother with properly disposing of your unwanted stuff when you can just dump it on someone else and make it their responsibility?  like this guy did:

wednesday, july 27, 1:53 pm.  just an everyday picture of a couple of methheads (crackheads?) hiding out between some cars and getting high.  note the mattress on top of the vehicle to the right:

a scant 45 or so minutes later and the mattress has been dumped and left on the sidewalk in order to make way for a bicycle:

when asked why they were leaving their mattress, the driver and his passenger said “someone wanted it” and “we’ll be back for it later”.  uh huh.


fast forward another ten minutes and someone is already putting the mattress to use … and it’s not long before he begins to draw a crowd.


a call to san francisco’s 311 resulted not in anyone interested in the details about the person doing the illegal dumping, but instead resulted in a work ticket for the department of public works to come ’round and pick up the discarded mattress.

i fail to see The City’s logic in being able to afford workers who will pick up the mattress, but not being able to afford to investigate and prosecute the person doing the illegal dumping.  i think it would be fair to recover from the illegal dumper all the costs associated with picking up and properly discarding the mattress, plus a healthy fine and a loss of his driving privileges for a year or more.  i wonder if those types of punishments would convince people to stop doing this.  doubt it.

we have photos of the offenders (even a crappy video clip that’s not posted here), dates and times, a license plate number, and a witness.  but we will do nothing about it except to expend scarce dollars to divest ourselves of a responsibility that was forced upon us by someone who is too lazy and inconsiderate to think of anything but themselves.

hey, mister driver of a white oldsmobile bravada sporting california license plate 4GKJ594:  why is this ok?

hey, residents of san francisco:  why is this ok?

hey, city management:  why is this ok?

oh, the crackheads?  they got scared off by the folks doing the illegal dumping.  there is a pecking order, after all.

This entry was posted in minna street, old dirty alley, san francisco, the streets. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to take my trash, please …

  1. Ethel says:

    This is a common occurrence in the Lower Haight as well and it seems way more prevalent around the 1st of the month when people [pigs really] are moving.

  2. streetlion says:

    The clown in the vest putting the bike on the white car is JOHN THAXTON

  3. streetlion says:

    The guy in the vest is John Thaxton

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